Frequently Asked Questions
Traveling in Japan is always full of fun and adventure, but it is also quite a world away from what many of us are familiar with...that's what makes it even more exciting! Don't ever hesitate to ask us questions, because we know you will have them!
Can I bring the kids?
We love it when our riders decide to bring their sons or daughters. However we do set an age and fitness limit. Younger riders must be able to meet the rider requirements of 20-25kmphr and be able to ride for several hours continuously. Riders must be 16 years of age or over.
What about SIM cards?
This is the ongoing conundrum for most riders. SIM card versus e-SIM, data versus voice and data, pocket wifi device or use data roaming from home....only you can answer what is best to your requirements. However be aware that if you rent a SIM card make sure your phone is unlocked. Also remember that if you use two-step verification for security measures and need codes sent to your device, a SIM with a Japanese number will not allow this to happen as the code will be sent to your Australian number. It’s a trap many have fallen into.
Can men come along?
Just because we are called Wheel Women doesn't mean we exclude men. On the contrary we love it when women decide to bring their partner, whether they be male or female...same sex couples, male or female are very welcome. An adventure shared together is a powerful experience and we understand that...so bring them along!
We also understand that sometimes the all-women environment is desirable. If you prefer it that way then let us know and we'll do our best to keep it that way for you.
Are credit cards ok in Japan?
Yes, these days credit cards are accepted in many places. We travel to some more rural ares so expect cash to be the most accepted. Travel money cards from banks or financial institutions have worked well in the past and we rarely have anyone have problems with cards. Be sure to advise your bank that you are travelling.
Getting to the start location
Japan can be a little overwhelming if you haven't travelled there previously. However we are experts in how to get around and veterans of countless trips using plane, train and automibile...let's just say we know the ropes! We are always happy to advise on the best way to get to the start location and also very happy to assist you in how to organise, how to book tickets and what apps to use. It's all part of what we do.
What about fitness?
Preparing for a multi-day bike adventure takes some time. Many riders are seasoned adventurers and it's no problem, but if this is your first time on a multi-day tour then you will need some preparation. Bike fitness is very important; conditioning your butt to go day after day in the saddle, ensuring muscles are tined to not tire and cramp after multiple days and working up to the required distance and speed day after day is needed.
We are happy to provide you with a basic training plan, but as always, speak to your health professional before undertaking any extra physical activity.